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The Kroger Co. has been awarded a 2012 Excellence in Philanthropy Award from the American Cancer Society.

The honor is given to corporations that have provided $1 million or more to the American Cancer Society during the previous calendar year through a variety of support activities. Kroger is one of 19 companies recognized this year. 

Kroger’s award is based on the Cincinnati-based company’s enthusiastic support of the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and Relay for Life events across the country.

“Each year, thousands of Kroger associates commit their energy, time and funds to fight cancer in their communities,” said Lynn Marmer, Kroger’s group VP for corporate affairs. “We’re so proud to accept this award that recognizes the contribution of each and every Making Strides and Relay for Life team in the Kroger family.”


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.